Limited Edition Prints

Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print

Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print
Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print
Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print

Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print   Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print

We produce top-quality art and photographic prints using UV-resistant. Pigment inks on premium canvas/heavyweight papers.

Wrapped Canvas prints are ECO FRIENDLY, finished to waterproof them, and then stretched onto our frames and stapled to the rear. Framed prints are printed onto 260 gsm heavyweight satin paper, then finished in our woodgrain effect light oak frames with perspex glass for safe transport. Paper prints only are printed on 260 gsm heavyweight satin paper and rolled into a postal tube for safe posting.

Frames can be hung from a nail or hook, canvases can be placed directly onto nail/hook. Canvas/framed prints make fantastic cost effective gifts for almost all occasions, if you don't see the image you require please get in touch and we can hopefully find you something you like! So Please choose our art images for a stunning and cost-effective way to enhance your home or office space.

Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print   Leonid Afremov PARIS CHAMPES ELISES Painting Canvas Wall Art Picture Print